Converting VisAss and F8 AssBlaster Source

If you have developed applications for the Commodore 64 in the 80s or 90s, chances are you still have your old floppy disk with the original assembly sources. If you have used the VisAss or
F8 AssBlaster assemblers, you can use a new command line tool I wrote to convert the encoded binary files into ASCII, so they can be published or you can continue development using modern tools like cc65. read more

Reverse-Engineered Final Cartridge III Source Code

The Final Cartridge III was one of the major multi-function extension cartridges for the Commodore 64. It contained BASIC extensions, floppy and tape speeders, centronics printer support, screen editor extensions including F-key shortcuts, a monitor, a freezer – and a GEOS-like windowing system called “Desktop”. In all this, the FC3 integrated seamlessly with the look-and-feel of the stock Commodore 64: It did not change anything (same screen colors and banner!), it only extended functionality in consistent ways. read more

Comparative C64 ROM Disassembly Study Guide

The Commodore 64 ROM has been subject to immense reverse engineering. Many commented disassemblies were published over the decades, scattered over different media such as books, magazines, disks, and later, the internet – and there are even some commentaries that apply to the C64 ROM, but were written with other systems in mind that shared Microsoft’s BASIC interpreter. read more