Measuring the ROR Bug in the Early MOS 6502

The MOS 6502 CPU was introduced in September of 1975, and while the documentation described the three shift/rotate instructions ASL, LSR and ROL, the ROR instruction was missing – the documentation said that ROR would be available in chips starting in June 1976. In fact, the reason for this omission was that the instruction, while being present, didn’t behave correctly. Only few 6502s with the defect are in existence, and nobody seemed to have checked what was actually going on in these chips. read more


A while ago, an engineer from a respectable company for low-level solutions (no names without necessity!) claimed that a certain company’s new 4-way SMP system had broken CPUs or at least broken firmware that didn’t set up some CPU features correctly: While on the older 2-way system, all CPUs returned the same features (using CPUID), on the 4-way system, two of the CPUs would return bogus data. read more

Playstation 3 Hacking – Linux Is Inevitable

In the talk “Why Silicon Security is still that hard” by Felix Domke at the 24th Chaos Communication Congress in 2007 (in which he described how he hacked the Xbox 360, and bushing had a cameo at the end explaining how they hacked the Wii), I had a little part, in which I argued that “Linux Is Inevitable”: If you lock down a system, it will eventually get hacked. In the light of the recent events happening with PlayStation 3 hacking, let’s revisit them. read more

Why is there no CR1 – and why are control registers such a mess anyway?

If you want to enable protected mode or paging on the i386/x86_64 architecture, you use CR0, which is short for control register 0. Makes sense. These are important system settings. But if you want to switch the pagetable format, you have to change a bit in CR4 (CR1 does not exist and CR2 and CR3 don’t hold control bits), if you want to switch to 64 bit mode, you have to change a bit in an MSR, oh, and if you want to turn on single stepping, that’s actually in your FLAGS. Also, have I mentioned that CR5 through CR15 don’t exist – except for CR8, of course? read more

Intel VT VMCS Layout

I understand that there might be a good reason for Intel to add virtualization extensions to their CPU architecture. Instead of fixing the x86 architecture to (optionally) make it Popek-Goldberg compliant and have all critial instructions trap if not run in Ring 0, they added non-root mode, a very big hammer that allows me to switch my CPU state completely to that of the guest and switches back to my original host state on a certain event in the guest. Well, it’s a great toy for people who want to play with CPU internals. read more

Microsoft vs. Standards

Here is a fun game for long car rides: One person names a respected standard implemented by dozens of IT companies, and the other person names Microsoft’s competing technology. Example: MPEG Audio (MP3/AAC) – Windows Media Audio. read more

Who invented the computer?

  • In 1837, Charles Babbage designed a general purpose computer, the Analytical Engine, but never built it.
  • Between 1934 and 1937, Church, Turing et al. defined the general purpose computer, but didn’t design one.
  • In 1941, Konrad Zuse built the first general purpose computer, the Z3, but didn’t know it was general purpose and didn’t use it that way.
  • From 1943 to 1946, Mauchly and Eckert finally built a computer, ENIAC, that was designed to be general-purpose.

Standards and Intellectual Property

I am sitting here, working with my PC: My keyboard and my mouse are connected wirelessly via Bluetooth and my monitor is hooked up through DVI. The graphics card is sitting in a PCI slot, main memory is DDR-SDRAM, and my optical drive can do CDs and DVDs. While my internal hard disk speaks the SATA protocol, my home directory is actually sitting on an SD card that is connected through a USB reader. My internet connection is done through DSL. On the software side, I am using GNU/Linux and browsing the internet with Firefox. No way I would ever watch a video in H.264 format.

Having Fun with Branch Delay Slots

Branch Delay Slots are one of the awkward features of RISC architectures. RISC CPUs are pipelined by definition, so while the current instruction is in execution, the following instruction(s) will be in the pipeline already. If there is for example a conditional branch in the instruction stream, the CPU cannot know whether the next instruction is the one following the branch or the instruction at the target location until it has evaluated the branch. This would cause a bubble in the pipeline; therefore some RISC architectures have a branch delay slot: The instruction after the branch will always be executed, no matter whether the branch is taken or not. read more