I just did a Lightning Talk at the 26th Chaos Communication Congress 26C3 about our new project “libcpu”, and it has already been picked up by Golem.de and reddit.com, so I might as well announce it here:
“libcpu” is an open source library that emulates several CPU architectures, allowing itself to be used as the CPU core for different kinds of emulator projects. It uses its own frontends for the different CPU types, and uses LLVM for the backend. libcpu is supposed to be able to do user mode and system emulation, and dynamic as well as static recompilation.
Here are my slides: 26C3-libcpu.pdf
Here is the video recording: 26C3-libcpu.mp4
Read more at http://www.libcpu.org/
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So, what happened to the libcpu site? doesn’t seem to be reachable.
@Ray: temporary network outage – fixed now.
Is http://www.libcpu.org/wiki/ still down ? Can’t access it.