62 Reverse-Engineered C64 Assembly Listings

Between 1992 and 1995, I reverse engineered Commodore 64 applications by printing their disassemblies on paper and adding handwritten comments (in German). These are the PDF scans of the 62 applications, which are 552 pages total.

File Author Date Description
Adv. Squeezer 1995-08-19 Decompression code
Amica Paint Schnellader Fast loader Amica Paint extension
Bef.-Erw. Diethelm Berens BASIC extension
Bitmap Manager Hannes Sommer 1994-10-26 AGSP map editor
Bitstreamer 1994-11-06 Decompression code
Blanking Screen blanker
Creatures 2 Autostart John Rowlands 1993-05-03
Creatures 2 Loader John Rowlands 1993-05-04
Delta Coder Nikolaus Heusler 1994-08-25
Drive Composer Chester B. Kollschen 1994-05-25 1541 drive head sample player, Magic Disk 07/1993
Drive Digi Player Michael Steil 1994-05-25 1541 drive head sample player
Drive ROMs 1995-04-19 Differences of the 1541/-II/-C/1571/1581 ROMs
EmBa Nikolaus Heusler 1992-08-08 Emergency BASIC
Errorline-Lister 1992-08-18 BASIC extension
Fast Disk Set
Fast Load Frank Deizner 1994-09-29
Fast Save Explorer/Agony 1995-08-24
File Copier 1993-07-22
Final Cartridge III Freezer Loader 1994-05-01 Fast load/decompression code of the FC3 unfreeze binary
Fred’s Back II Hannes Sommer 1994-12 Parts of the AGSP game
GEO-RAM-Test Mario Büchle 1996-05-21 GeoRAM detection code
GEOS Select Printer 1993-01-25 GEOS tool
GoDot A. Dettke, W. Kling 1994-05-17 Core code, ldr.koala, svr.doodle
Graphtool 1992
Heureka-Sprint 1994-01 Fast loader
IRQ Loader 2 Bit Explorer/Agony 1995-08-24 Fast loader
Kunst aus China Autostart 1993-03-31
MIST Entpacker Michael Steil 1995-08-21 Decompression code
MIST Load V2 Michael Steil Fast load
MSE V1.1 1992-08-08 Programm type-in helper from 64’er Magazin
MSE V2.1 1993-03-28 Programm type-in helper from 64’er Magazin
MTOOL Michail Popov 1992-08-14
Mad Code VSP 1994-10-21 VSP + DYSP code from the demo “Mad Code”
Mad Format 1995-04-20 Fast format
Magic Basic BASIC extension
Magic Disk Autostart 1992-07
Master Copy 1995-09-21 Disk copy
Master Cruncher 1994-05-25 Decompression code
Mayhem in Monsterland VSP John Rowlands 1994-12 VSP code from the game “Mayhem in Monsterland”
Mini-Erweiterung Marc Freese 1992-08-09
Mini-Scan The Sir 1993-07-22 Disk error scanner
Mini-Tris Tetris
Movie-Scroller Ivo Herzeg 1995-01
RAM-Check T. Pohl 1995-09-08 REU detection
SUCK Copy 1995-04-30 File copy
SUPRA 64 Loader
Shapes 64 R. Löwenstein 1994-09-05 Text mode windowing
Small Ass S. Berghofer 1993-08-07 Assembler
Spriterob Andreas Breuer 1992
Startprg.obj M. Hecht 1992-06
SuperinfoIRQ Nikolaus Heusler 1992-06
Swappers Best Copy Disk copy
TPP’s Screensplitter Armin Beck 1995-03
The Sampler 1994-04-30 $D418 sample player (high volume on 8580!)
Tiny Compiler Nikolaus Heusler 1994-09-06 BASIC compiler
Turrican 1 Autostart Manfred Trenz 1994-11-02
Turrican 1 Loader Manfred Trenz 1994
Turrican 2 Autostart Manfred Trenz 1994-10-03
Vectorset M. Strelecki 1995-02-05
Vis-Ass Mazim Szenessy 1992-08 Assembler and screen editor
Vocabulary Schindowski 1993-01-05 FORTH library
Warp-Load 1994-10-02 Fast loader

6 thoughts on “62 Reverse-Engineered C64 Assembly Listings”

  1. Hello, some listings are not readable, I image you used just a b/w filter discarding all the pixel below a certain threshold.

    You can use imagemagik for process all the scans and get much more readable results, it requires a bit of scripting and some tries. The trick is to scan at 600dpi and use a gaussian filter, tune the contrast and then use a reasonable threshold for b/w.

    If you send me some unaltered scans I can help you with this task, plus I can show you how the djvu format is good at this kind of things.

    Kind Regards!

  2. wow, serious geek-porn, thanks so much. I remember doing similar analyzing on paper (a quite noisy matrix printer with tracktor-feed, way before NLQ ) using 68000 disassembly on my trusty Amiga.
    Took the liberty to script-download all these pdfs at once. real name maybe next time… Great blog.

  3. most of those of images a faded and hard to see the source code, I would appropriate it make much clearer more readable THANKS


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